Bearly Significant

Is this it?

From a childhood blog to a journalist with a no-opinion policy. A journey into writing without purpose.

Taps the mic. Is anyone there? Okay, good.


My first blog came to life when I was 12. It was a diary chronicling my love for a girl at school and my fear of revealing my feelings. I deleted it a few months later — I can't recall if my feelings had changed or if I simply ran out of things to say. Like all first loves, it was fleeting.

My second blog took a more serious turn. It delved into the craft of writing, with a keen focus on SEO, metrics, and, most importantly, the dream of fame that would allow me to write for a living. At 17, you're naive enough to dream of becoming a novelist while your days are filled with physics and maths. That blog met its end as I entered college and Twitter became the platform for instant, bite-sized insights.

Then, I began writing professionally. And I did it with a mission. I was a journalist. A journalist who lived by the motto: facts are sacred.

This creed brought with it a strict no-opinion policy. I was acutely aware that anything I wrote online could be traced back to me and to the newspaper I write for. I wanted to avoid any association.

So, what changed? As with everything in life, the motive did.

Welcome to Bearly Significant. This is a collection of field notes, observations, hypotheses, and experiments founded on the belief that writing doesn’t need a purpose. That science is about evolving opinions and testing new hypotheses. And, finally, that pouring a stream of consciousness onto a keyboard shouldn’t be about money, fame, or recognition.

I hope this is it.
