Bearly Significant

It's okay to not feel like writing, right?

Tonight, after a day lost in my thoughts, part of a post I wrote a month ago suddenly came to mind:

I think it's important to set a deadline for yourself so you can post almost daily. At least, that's what's working for me.

But the day this stops being fun, the day keeping your blog updated feels more like a job than a pleasure, it's time to quit.

Don't get me wrong—blogging is still fun for me. But the plan to write every day has collapsed. First, there was work: a crazy, urgent project right before my two-week vacation, which forced me to work unpaid extra hours. The stress from that project turned me into someone I didn't want to be—extremely toxic. I didn’t want to bring that negativity here.

Then came my vacation from my main job, and I thought I'd finally have time to rest. But I still had my college courses to prepare. I want my students to succeed, so I'm reworking the entire syllabus I created two years ago.

And if that wasn't enough, a great opportunity arose to finally buy a place to call home. After everything we've been through this year, finding a relatively good place that doesn’t require me to get a third job feels like a gift from the gods. But the process has triggered all my anxiety.

So, I try to write a small status update for you all—only to find myself nodding off as I type.

But fear not.

It's okay to not feel like writing.
