Bearly Significant

Olympic Illusion

I'm a huge fan of the Olympics. There's something about them that captivates me, perhaps it's the chance to watch sports I don't usually follow. Somehow, I end up having favorite athletes in sports I've never watched before. It's quite the experience.

Another aspect of the Olympics that fascinates me is their ability to serve as snapshots of recent history. Want to get a feel for the zeitgeist of a particular decade? Just watch the Olympic Games from that era.

But if I had to pick one standout moment from the Olympics, it would be Barcelona, 1992.

It's a masterpiece.

And today, I learned it was also an illusion.

For all these years, I believed Antonio Rebollo had managed to land the arrow in the torch. After all, watching the Olympics is about witnessing the impossible. Citius - Altius - Fortius. But it turns out, it didn't need to land, because it never was supposed to.


I can't decide if I'm disappointed or even more impressed by the genius of the illusion. But I guess that's the story with all great illusions when the truth is unveiled.
