Bearly Significant

The fear of missing out your vacations

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And it's official. My vacation has started.

This year, more than ever, I feel the need for a break. It's been an incredibly challenging year—a serious health issue, two elections, one massive international investigation completed in record time, and a minor car accident... It was a year filled with experiences I wish I had never encountered. A year that made me question if I truly want to continue in my current path, especially when an unexpected illness made me fear I might never again do what I love.

In a sentence: I think I've never longed for rest as much as I have this year.

But for those who have been following my journey, you know me. I'm an over-thinker. So, as Sunday evening arrives and my vacation officially begins, I start to ponder all the things I want to do—the numerous projects I want to squeeze into my schedule. I dream of staying up late, immersed in reading and writing, and embarking on some projects I've been eager to start. Wait, do side projects count as work? Perhaps they do. So maybe I shouldn't work on them.

Suddenly, vacation days seem like a small oasis in the desert—a finite resource I want to absorb with all my energy. Yet, I'm terrified of squandering them. I want to rest, but also to do things, though not too many. I want to visit places, but not so many that I return to work exhausted. I want to sleep late, but not so late that I feel I've wasted all those precious days sleeping.

In a nutshell: I'm experiencing the fear of missing out on my vacation. Does anyone know a good destination where anxious and/or overthinking minds can go on holiday? I might need to buy a ticket.
