Bearly Significant

When did you stop studying?

You might answer that you haven't yet (but wish you had). However, if you're in your 30s, have a well-established job, and a busy life (away from academia), you might respond, "I don't know, since college maybe?"

Sure, you've learned. You might have explored a topic you're curious about or spent countless hours on Wikipedia. And if your job, like mine, requires you to constantly update your knowledge, your answer might quickly shift to: "all the time!"

Please, re-read the question.

I didn't ask when was the last time you learned something new. I'm talking about the act of studying: having a syllabus, a set of disciplines or areas you want to study, and the time to sit down and actually take notes, read books, and do exercises.

Maybe I'm alone in this feeling, but it's been a while since I took the time to actually study while trying to juggle everything going on.

That's why, from now on, I'm going to try to dedicate at least one hour to study every day.

I'm currently working on my syllabus, which I'll gladly share with you once I've finished it. Feel free to do the same (maybe we can borrow some ideas from each other's schedules).

Take a moment and think about the areas where you feel you lack knowledge. From ancient Greek culinary arts to quantum physics, pick the topics you really want to dedicate yourself to for the next 6 months.

I can't wait to learn with you all.
