Bearly Significant

You gotta keep ticking your things

I've dipped my toes in every productivity pool out there: bullet journals, Todoist, TickTick, Kanban boards, Eisenhower matrices, eating the frog, and time blocking. Yet, with my engineering brain constantly seeking efficiency and automation, I can't shake off the feeling that I'm not managing my time well. That I'm a master procrastinator — heck, even writing this post is a form of procrastination.

Despite my dalliances with various systems and apps, pouring my life into them, I always find my way back to my beloved duo: Fantastical and Things 3.

Now, don't get me wrong; my life is a beautiful mess. There's a part of me that craves routine and simplicity, like wearing similar clothes every day to avoid decision fatigue. Yet, I seem to need a dash of chaos in my life — or at least, that's the excuse I use to justify my disorganisation.

But this time of year, with vacations looming and the news cycle winding down as the school year wraps up, keeping up with my Things... Well, it's a struggle.

I might just be a Schrödinger's planner: either I'm excellent at planning but terrible at executing, or I'm the world's worst planner because nothing goes as planned.

There's only one thing that I am sure of: whenever I glance at the clock, the tasks I needed to tick off in my Things are still there, mocking me.

Maybe it's time to embrace the chaos and find humor in the unticked boxes of life.
